Auto Storagecar storage Dallas

Finding car storage Dallas is not difficult. Finding the best indoor car storage is a different matter altogether, and we will talk about that in this article by Fort Worth Car Storage, the place car owners call when they want the very best. Call us at 817-999-0980 for rates and availability.

Car storage Dallas options

Dallas is a large city, and the options for long term car storage are seemingly endless.  You can store your vehicle in a storage unit at some storage facility.  You can store it in a parking garage.  You can rent a small warehouse for a storage location.  And, you can store it in a designated vehicle storage facility designed specifically for the storage of valuable vehicles.

Before you continue searching for Dallas car storage, you need to stop and consider exactly what you are looking for that storage facility to provide you.

What you can expect to pay for Dallas car storage

You can spend as little as $50 per month for long-term vehicle storage, and you can spend as much as $500 per month.  The cost is dependent upon the services you want provided in that storage, and the amount of security you want for your vehicle.

On the low end of the security spectrum, you can park your car in long-term parking.  The cost is low, but the security level is terrible.  You can park your vehicle at a self storage facility, like Blue Mound 287 Self Storage, but you will simply be paying for a place to park your car; there will be no amenities or extra services provided.

Or, you can park your car at a place like Fort Worth Car Storage, where extra services will be provided, and the rate starts at $250 per month.

Car storage extras to consider

Using our own Fort Worth Car Storage as an example to gauge others by, our rates begin at $250 per month.  For that, you get the most-secure vehicle storage in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro area.  Beyond that, you will pay for extra services, as seen below:

Car Cover – small    $50.00
Car Cover – large    $100.00
Trickle charger (customer can furnish)    $35.00
Spill pads/oil pan    $10.00
Taking vehicle down from upper rack   2 per year free     $50.00

Silver Package
Monthly $15
Keep log book showing dates of service
Check tire pressure – air if needed
Check battery charge – charge if needed – if assessable
notify if major maintenance is required

Gold Package
Monthly $35
Includes Silver Package
Move vehicle ( to eliminate flat spots on tires)
Start vehicle monthly (run A/C, heater) to keep valves, fans and compressors functional

Platinum Package
Monthly $85.00
Includes Silver and Gold Packages

A final word about Fort Worth Car Storage

Only you can decide what level of protection and care you will pay for.  If your vehicle is expensive, and if it is important to you that it receives the absolute best care possible in storage, then these prices will seem very reasonable.  And, for those who simply want secure storage with no extras, a place like Blue Mound 287 Self Storage makes a great amount of sense.

Call us if you want the very best for your car. We are locally owned and operated, and our staff, and owner, are all car guys who know how to royally treat a vehicle.