Car Storage BlogOptions for secure vehicle storage

Looking for secure vehicle storage while you go on an extended vacation is a bit like looking for a tree in a forest: you have a lot of options. Finding the best option for your needs which will fit into your budget is the trick, and we can help you.  Give us a call at (817) 999-0980 and we will walk you through the process.

Secure vehicle storage is a matter of definition

What does secure vehicle storage mean to you?  Are you talking about secure from theft and vandalism?  Are you talking about secure from weather-related damage? You can find security which will cost you hundreds of dollars per month, or you can find car storage, a place to park your car, which is “secure” for under $100 per month. It all depends on what you want and how important that vehicle is to you.

Secure vehicle storage for how long?

Is your vacation a matter of weeks, or is it an extended vacation for months?  A one-month storage fee is not going to break anyone’s bank; an extended storage fee just might.  You need to weigh your desire to keep your vehicle safe against your financial situation.  How important is auto storage to you?

Let’s look at the various options you have, least expensive to most expensive

The least expensive option you have for car storage would be to find a friend or relative who will let you park your vehicle in their garage.  This is not an ideal situation, but it is inexpensive.  Garages can be broken into and vandalized, but weigh that against the fact that this option costs nothing.

Your next step up the security ladder is to rent a mini storage unit and some self storage facility.  A 5×10 unit will cost you around fifty bucks per month.  If you get a quality climate controlled car storage unit, you can add on an extra fifteen or twenty.  These units are infinitely more secure than your uncle’s garage, and they are a reasonable solution to your storage problems if you can afford it.  Facilities like Blue Mound 287 Self Storage in Fort Worth have indoor and outdoor storage available for practically any vehicle on the road.

And the top of the line option is to store your vehicle in an actual vehicle storage facility like Fort Worth Car Storage.  There you can count on state-of-the-art security, because most car storage facilities are collector car storage facilities, and you can count on a list of premium services which will be provided if you are willing to pay a little extra.  These facilities can be pricey, but they also provide the absolute best in vehicle storage while you are out seeing the world.

It all depends on what you want and what you can afford.  You might also check out downtown parking garages as another option, but they too can be pricey and not nearly as secure as a place like Fort Worth Car Storage.

Call us today for all the answers you need to make this decision.  Again our number is (817) 999-0980.