If you are looking for long term car storage in Arlington, we have a suggestion for you: sign up for long term car storage Fort Worth, at Fort Worth Car Storage.  The reasons for that suggestion will be shared with you in this article.  Our phone number is (817) 999-0980.

Why Fort Worth Car Storage?

There are several reasons, actually, why you should abandon your search for vehicle storage Arlington and go to Fort Worth Car Storage.

The first reason is this: we are known as a collector car storage, and antique car storage, facility.  That does not mean we won’t store a 2010 Nissan at our facility; it simply means that we are set up to provide the absolute very best auto storage no matter what it is you drive.  Your 2010 Nissan will be treated with the same loving car that a 2010 Lamborghini will be treated, and that kind of care is not found at every long term car storage facility.

The second reason is this: our owner, Ron Sturgeon, is a car collector, and at any given time he stores over one-million dollars worth of his collection at Fort Worth Car Storage.  If the owner of the facility trusts his facility that much, you can bet your vehicle will be safe and well-cared for.

The third reason is this:  we have been doing this for a very long time, for over fifteen years at this location, and our motto is “we love cars as much as you do.”  Our goal is to preserve the value of your car while it is being stored at our facility.

The fourth reason is this: our list of premium services is the stuff of legends in the car industry, from car covers to bubble storage, and everything in-between, you will find it at Fort Worth Car Storage.

Why vehicle storage Fort Worth instead of Arlington?

Oddly we have people who say they don’t want to drive all the way to Fort Worth for car storage, and our first reaction to that is disbelief.  Fort Worth is what, less than ten miles from Arlington?  Isn’t it worth it to drive ten miles for premium long term car storage?  Besides, you are only driving that distance twice: when you drop the car off, and when you pick it up. So what, exactly, is the problem we wonder?

Listen, we certainly can’t force you to work with Fort Worth Car Storage. All we can do it point out that we offer the very best in auto storage.  We have provided just a few of the reasons why you should give us your business.  We aren’t twisting arms here but rather laying out a very logical argument why we believe we are the very best in car storage.

Give us a call and arrange for a tour.  Come see our place and check out the security system.  Talk to former customers of ours. Ask around the auto industry about our abilities. We are confident, if you do all of that, you will drive the extra ten miles for long term car storage Fort Worth at Fort Worth Car Storage.