There are potential problems to consider with military car storage for military members who face deployment. Let’s talk about those problems and also discuss possible solutions to those problems. Call us if you have questions at (817) 999-0980.
Owning a car is handy but . . .
Without a doubt, it’s nice to have a vehicle when stationed at a military base. It’s just convenient, no doubt, and because of that convenience a good majority of military personnel do have their own vehicles. All is well and good until those personnel face deployment, and then the question arises: what does one do with their car, or truck, if facing six months overseas?
If you are married, vehicle storage is a snap!
Just leave your car, or truck, with your spouse. Problem solved! But what if you live alone, in the barracks? What do you do for long term car storage in that case?
Most assume that deployment parking will be available on-base, and most times it is available. However, there are times that deployment parking lot is full. There are no spaces available. What do you do then when military car storage is not available for the military?
Alternative options for military car storage off-base
Go to the appropriate office and obtain a long-term parking voucher. Take that voucher to a car storage facility in-town, and obtain deployment parking off-base. This is the option most often taken by military personnel facing a “no parking available” situation on-base, and in many cases it works out better for the soldier.
The problem with on-base parking
The first problem with on-base parking is that it is outdoors. Your vehicle will be susceptible to weather damage. It will also be susceptible to vandalism and theft, both of which do happen on-base as much as you would like to believe in the contrary. So it is not necessarily a bad thing if on-base parking is full and you have to look off-base.
Find the best package for the best price
You have your parking voucher in hand. It’s now time to find the best long term parking offer you can. Check out mini storage facilities and ask about military discounts. Check out their security systems. The level of security will vary from facility to facility, and the cost will reflect that security level. Also ask about premium services. With your military discount you may be able to afford some of those services.
Just because on-base parking is not available does not mean you are out of options. Call us for suggestions. We are Fort Worth Car Storage, and we have been helping military personnel with parking for over thirty years. Put our experience to work for you.
The bottom line is this: you have vehicle storage options when facing deployment. The military and most civilian companies want what is best for you, and we will all work to find you the best solution no matter where you are based and where you are going for deployment.
Call us today, and thank you for your service to our country.