For those looking for military storage in Tarrant County for a car or truck, this article might help you.  Our aim is to arm you with the basic facts about finding adequate vehicle storage military so you can make an informed decision. Call us if you have questions at (817) 999-0980. We are Fort Worth Car Storage and we have been advising military members of their car storage options for over thirty years.

Your choices for long term car storage

In a nutshell, here are your options for long term car storage: leave your car with a buddy, leave it on post, drive it to your next post, leave it in a mini storage unit, or leave it in a car storage facility.  Some of these options cost you nothing. Some cost you very little. One will be a bit pricey, and one will be expensive.  You are the only one who can decide how important secure vehicle storage is to you.

How do you determine if car storage is worth it?

To our way of thinking, it really comes down to the value of the car and its importance to you.  If you are currently driving at 2000 Ford Ranger, book value of $3,000, you have to decide if a mini storage unit, which will cost you about $360 for six months, is worth it to you.  How much value does that Ford Ranger have to you?  A truck such as that, although important to you as a means of transportation, no doubt has very little sentimental value.  If it was vandalized, or stolen, it would be annoying for sure, but it would not cost much in the way of emotions.  In that case, we would recommend on-base car storage or leaving it with a friend in a town close by.  You could even drive it to your next assignment, provided that assignment is in the United States.  You might also consider selling it if you are being shipped overseas.

But what if you have a brand new 2019 Ford Ranger, value $24,000?  You don’t want to sell it.  You’ll lose money on that transaction.  You probably don’t want to leave it with a buddy, and on-base parking is not as secure as you had hoped if stories from your military friends can be believed.  That leaves you with only one logical option: rent a mini storage unit and pay about $360 for six months of secure vehicle storage.

High end vehicle storage

And finally, what if you restored, with love, a 1955 Chevy? What if you and your dad worked for hundreds of hours to make that car mint again?  What if the resale on that restored classic is about $75,000? What are you going to do then?

Fort Worth Car Storage is your only logical answer for long term auto storage for a valued vehicle.  We offer the very best in secure vehicle storage Tarrant County. We offer climate controlled car storage with an array of premium services, guaranteed to give your vehicle the very best in storage.

The only thing you have to do, now, is determine how important your vehicle is to you.  Contact us if you determine it to be very important.