Car Storage BlogClimate controlled car storage is available at Fort Worth Car Storage

Climate controlled car storage is something usually associated with areas where severe temperatures are the norm, places like Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, even North Dakota and Virginia, but the reason for it being so necessary is not widely known.  In fact, in most states where there is a moderate fluctuation in temperatures, climate controlled car storage is a good idea.

So, why rent climate controlled car storage?

Read this article and then call (817) 999- 0980 for a detailed answer to that question.

It begins with extreme temperatures!

Temperatures which exceed ninety, or drop below freezing, will trigger a chemical reaction called oxidation.  Without getting too scientific about it, oxidation affects certain surfaces by expanding or contracting those surfaces.  We are talking about leather surfaces, cloth surfaces, and wood surfaces primarily, but it can also, over time, directly affect plastics as well and fiberglass.

Now consider how many of your car surfaces are made of cloth, leather, plastic, or fiberglass.

Climate controlled car storage thus protects your vehicle from the damages of oxidation.

But there are more reasons for climate control in vehicle storage.

Because climate controlled car storage is indoors, your vehicle will be protected from dust and debris.  So many times, during vehicle storage, small chips will happen if that storage is outdoors. That will not happen with climate controlled car storage.

And because climate control means humidity control, the lack of humidity means no chance of insects or rodents, which can always be found in humid conditions.

But what about the extra costs of climate control car storage?

There is no doubt that you pay more for climate control, but ask yourself this question: how much is your peace of mind worth?  Or let us put it another way: your vehicle is a major expenditure in your life, a prized possession costing in the tens of thousands of dollars.  How much would you pay to know that major investment is totally protected?

We are Fort Worth Car Storage, and protecting vehicles if our business.  We are owned by a car collector, Ron Sturgeon, a man who knows all about antique car storage and collector car storage, so you better believe he knows what it takes to protect your vehicle while it is in vehicle storage.

Yes, at Fort Worth Car Storage, climate controlled car storage costs more, but that extra cost ensures that your vehicle will not change on iota no matter how long it stays under our care.  That extra cost gives you the peace of mind you seek day in and day out, no matter how hot, or cold, it is outside.

And as an added bonus, Fort Worth Car Storage has state-of-the-art security, so no matter the dangers, your vehicle is protected with secure vehicle storage.

Why rent climate controlled car storage?

Because your car is worth it!

Because you are worth it!

Our name, again, is Fort Worth Car Storage.  Our number, again, is (817) 999-0980.  Our promise, again, is to protect your vehicle from all potential dangers, and it is a promise we take very seriously.

Give us a call today and let’s talk about climate controlled car storage.