Long Term Auto Storage Military

You have several options to consider for long term auto storage military.  Let’s take a look at each of those options and find the one which best fits your needs.  Call us if you have questions at (817) 999-0980. We are Fort Worth Car Storage, and we live and breathe auto storage in the Fort Worth area.

On-base auto storage

Yes, most military bases provide on-base military car storage and yes, it is generally free.  Free is always good; unfortunately, on-base auto storage is not equally as good in all cases.  There are times when on-base storage is not available, and as hard as it may be to believe, on-base storage is not always secure and safe from vandalism and/or theft.  Yes, the military takes care of its own, but the truth of the matter is that vehicle care is not always, shall we say, a top priority on a military base.  We wish it were not so, but it is.

Mini storage facilities

Practically every mini storage facility in your city will have spaces for long-term auto storage. This is an inexpensive alternative to consider.  Mini storage facilities are reasonably secure, and you can even find climate controlled car storage at some of them to protect your vehicle from the damaging sun rays, from hail, from snow, and from oxidation while you are gone.  Yes, climate controlled car storage costs more, but consider the cost of a new paint job and the sting of the added cost will not be quite so harsh.

Real auto storage facilities

At the top of the spectrum are the real auto storage facilities, companies which specialize in vehicle storage and only vehicle storage.  At these facilities you will find topnotch car care, climate controlled car storage, and a long list of amenities should you want them.  Yes, these auto storage companies cost more, but the care they provide is oftentimes worth it.

Things to consider

The nature of the military is an important thing to remember.  A nine month deployment can easily morph into a fifteen month deployment, meaning will your vehicle be taken care of for an extended period of time? How difficult will it be to deal with a military storage for your car company from ten-thousand miles away should your deployment extend?

Are there military discounts available?  You should always ask about military discounts.  Most storage facilities offer them, but oftentimes they are not given because no one ever mentioned them.  Make sure you ask about military discounts.

And always work with a locally owned and operated storage company.  Trust us, it is fewer headaches dealing with locals.

Military car storage Tarrant County at Fort Worth Car Storage

About our company

We are Fort Worth Car Storage, locally owned and operated, and for over thirty years we have been providing quality long term auto storage to military personnel in the Fort Worth area. Thirty years is a long time to be in business, and longevity like that is only attained by doing quality work.

We are considered a collector car storage facility, which means we are accustomed to taking care of the very best, which means you will be taken care of.

Call us today about long term auto storage military.

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