What do you need in long term car storage Dallas?  You have several options, so your choice will depend upon your specific needs.  Do you even know?  We can help. Call Fort Worth Car Storage at (817) 999-0980.  We won’t try to sell you anything, we promise. We simply want to give you the information you need to make an informed decision.

You may not even need the car storage we provide

Can we be honest for a moment?  If you own a twenty-year old Dodge van, you do not need what Fort Worth Car Storage has to offer.  We are what is considered to be high-end vehicle storage in the Fort Worth/Dallas area.  Some call us a collector car storage facility, or an antique auto storage facility.  We take expensive cars, provide them with secure vehicle storage, and offer a long list of premium services.  We are not saying you have to be rich to store your car with us; what we are saying is that some vehicles do not need what we have to offer.  Again, if your primary vehicle is a 2000 VW, you need to think long and hard before bringing it to us for long-term vehicle storage.  It simply is not worth the cost to do so, in our opinion.  A 2000 VW does not need bubble storage.  A 2000 minivan does not need a car cover or a spill pan.  A 2000 minivan just needs a secure vehicle storage facility where it will be safe from vandalism and theft.

A place like a mini storage unit

If you are the owner of a 2000 VW, or a minivan, and you need car storage for a number weeks or months, we highly recommend you find the best deal you can find at a mini storage facility.  Cheap storage units will save you a considerable amount of money while at the same time provide secure vehicle storage and even climate controlled storage.  No premium services are available, but safety and protection is, and that’s really all you need for the vehicle you drive.

And the bottom option, in our opinion, is .  . .

Long-range parking garages and parking lots offer long term vehicle storage.  It is far from secure, but it does offer a solution for parking space while you are gone.  We do not recommend this option, but we do understand that at times the least attraction option is the only one available.

Give us a call at Fort Worth Car Storage.  It won’t cost you a think to ask questions.  We’ve been doing this long term car storage gig for over thirty years, so we know a thing or two about it. We will give you the straight skinny.  If we don’t think you need high end car storage, we will tell you.  If we think you need it, we will tell you.  We can even answer the question “what is bubble storage” if you ask us.

For the very best in long term vehicle storage, or just information about it, call Fort Worth Car Storage.  You’ll be glad you did.