Auto StorageReasons why indoor car storage is important

Is it worth it for you to choose indoor auto storage Fort Worth rather than outdoor car storage?

We believe it is, and in this article we will tell you our reasons for such a recommendation.  Call us at (817) 999-0980 for more information about indoor auto storage Fort Worth.

Reasons for opting for indoor auto storage. . .

It all begins with the climate when talking about Fort Worth, Texas.  It all begins with temperatures in the hundreds, daily, for weeks, temperatures which can literally ruin the surfaces of your vehicle.  It all begins with a conversation about oxidation.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction causes by extreme temperatures. It is a shifting in molecules, and that shifting occurs in most surfaces on your vehicle.  Without some sort of climate controlled car storage, damage can occur.  Please not we said indoor climate controlled vehicle storage and not just indoor, because without regulating the temperature and humidity, damage can happen even under a covered shelter.

Other reasons for indoor auto storage . . .

Indoor auto storage provides security for your vehicle, and security means peace of mind for you, the owner. How much is peace of mind worth to you? Indoor auto storage means your vehicle is not only protected from the elements but it is also protected from theft and vandalism.  Good indoor storage with a security system means that no matter how long you store your vehicle, it will be in great shape the day you pick it up at the end of the storage contract, and that, again, means peace of mind.

Good indoor auto storage vs bad indoor auto storage . . .

Yes, there are degrees of protection with indoor auto storage.  Placing your car in a neighbor’s garage is, by definition, indoor auto storage, but there is no way it is as safe and protected as it would be in a place like Fort Worth Car Storage.  Yes, you can place your car in some mini storage facilities, but there is no way that is as safe as keeping your car in a storage facility designed specifically for vehicles.

That’s who we are, Fort Worth Car Storage, and we are experts in protecting your vehicle.  We only store vehicles.  We leave furniture and other collectibles to other storage unit companies.  We are car experts and that means the very best in auto storage at our facility.

It starts with climate controlled auto storage at Fort Worth Car Storage.  Your vehicle remains in an environment which has a constant temperature and humidity, which means no damage from oxidation.  We then add state-of-the-art security so that theft and vandalism are never a possibility.

Yes, you pay a bit more for that kind of security and protection, but isn’t your vehicle worth that added peace of mind for long term car storage?  You paid tens of thousands of dollars for that vehicle, and that makes it a major asset for you, and major assets are worth the extra precautions you will find at Fort Worth Car Storage.

Pay now or pay later! That’s what it boils down to, a simple choice, but to car lovers it really is not choice at all.