It is no problem finding boat and RV storage in Dallas, but finding the best boat and RV storage for your situation is a bit more difficult. You perhaps need to expand your search parameters to include Fort Worth or other nearby cities to find the perfect storage solution for your investment. Maybe boat and RV storage in Arlington?
We are in the storage business in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, so call us with your questions at (817) 999-0980 and we’ll do our best to answer.
What kind of boat or RV storage do you need?
That decision is yours and yours alone, but most people make that determination based on the value of their boat or RV. Expensive boats or RVs, say over $25,000 in value, will usually “require” better security than a small fishing boat worth $3,000, and to a certain extent that makes perfect sense. Of course, there is also intrinsic value of an item, or emotional value of an item, and those values may also jack up the expectations regarding security.
Finding low-end storage solutions is easy.
Your buddy George will probably rent out his backyard and let you store you RV there. That kind of storage solution may not be terribly secure, but it will be inexpensive.
You can go to practically any mini storage facility and they will have room for your boat or RV, and that storage option will cost you around $100-$150 per month. The problem with that solution option is that most of their storage options for large items like boats and RVs are outdoor options, meaning your boat or RV will still be susceptible to weather damage. Still, for an inexpensive boat or RV, where storage costs are important, this may be your best option.
But then you move up the storage scale.
For the truly expensive boat or RV, only the best storage facility should be considered. Think about it this way: if you had $100,000 in cash, you wouldn’t store that cash in Mac’s Mini Storage. You would put it in a secure bank. Why is that example any different for an expensive boat or RV? They both represent a major investment; they are both valued as a major investment; so don’t you think they should be in a highly secure facility? It only makes sense, and that’s not taking anything away from Mac’s Mini Storage. They do a great job protecting items like extra furniture and other personal belongings, but they do not have the security necessary to protect possessions worth tens of thousands of dollars.
We are Fort Worth Car Storage, locally owned and operated and in the business of protecting valuable possessions for thirty years. Give us a call with your questions. Contact us about your concerns. If anyone knows anything about secure boat and RV storage, it is the people at Fort Worth Car Storage, a collector car storage facility with one of the best security systems in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Take your excess furniture to Mac’s. Take your expensive boat or RV to a place capable of protecting it, like Fort Worth Car Storage.