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There is more to consider for long-term car storage than just availability and price.  Your vehicle is too valuable to you; it deserves due diligence in finding a long term car storage facility, and this article will help you to make the right decision.  If you have any questions about car storage give us a call at (817) 999-0980. We are Fort Worth Car Storage, and we have the answers you need.

What is considered long-term car storage?

According to, if you are storing your vehicle for longer than thirty days, you should consider that to be long-term car storage and thus take certain steps, or make certain that these steps are taken at the vehicle storage facility.

Fill up your gas tank before you begin vehicle storage!

Filling up your gas tank will prevent moisture from forming inside the tank.  Moisture in the fuel tank is a bad thing.  Avoid this by simply topping off your gas tank before putting your vehicle in storage.

Other maintenance steps to take or have done with vehicle storage . . .

Fill up the tires on your car, and then make sure the car is moved periodically and the air level in the tires is checked periodically.  Yes, in vehicle storage, this will cost extra, but cars which sit for too long will form flat spots on the tires, and a flat spot does not go away once it has formed.  In other words, the tire will be ruined.

Have your vehicle’s engine run periodically.  An idle engine is an engine looking for trouble.  Also have your vehicle driven short distances every month or so.  Working parts are meant to work; idleness invites engine problems.

Cover your vehicle, even if it is being storage inside by a professional car storage facility.

Make sure the security measures at the vehicle storage facility are first-class!  Your car is a large investment and it deserves the very best in security.

Check on your insurance, what is covered and what is not covered.  Related to that, check on the insurance policies of the car storage facility; what do they cover and what do they not cover?

And quite frankly we would also suggest you check with the Better Business Bureau in your area to make sure the car storage facility is highly regarded.  Word of mouth is the best advertising available, but it is also the best way to find out if a business has dropped the ball in the past.

We probably haven’t covered everything but we have hit upon the main points of long term car storage.  Consider it wisely and do not be in a rush to choose a car storage business.  Large investments and pricey possessions like a vehicle deserve you to do your due diligence before storing them.

We are Fort Worth Car Storage, serving the greater Fort Worth area.  We have been entrusted with antique auto storage, collector car storage, and all manner of loved vehicles for quite some time now. We are confident we can set your mind at ease should you need long term car storage in the Fort Worth area.