Car Storage Blog

There are two main reasons why indoor car storage is important.  We will cover those two reasons in this article, plus a couple other considerations for you to ponder.  Give us a call at (817) 999-0980 after you read this article if you have more questions. We are Fort Worth Car Storage, and we live and breathe indoor vehicle storage.

Why indoor car storage?

The first reason has to do with safety from vandalism and theft.  In a perfect world you would never have to worry about your vehicle safety.  You would just park it in your garage while you are away, and you would come home to find your vehicle untouched and pristine.

But this is not a perfect world.  Car vandalism and car theft are two of the most common crimes in most cities.  There is a big market for car parts and stolen cars, and there is a growing number of angry people who simply find enjoyment in damaging the possessions of others.  If you value your vehicle, storing it in your garage for an extended period of time is unacceptable.  It is too easy to break into a garage . . . much too easy!

So secure vehicle storage is important; you want to be able to take off on your trip, or on your deployment, knowing that your car or truck is secure.

The other main reason for indoor car storage

The other reason we suggest indoor auto storage is because of the weather/climate.  Not only will the harsh sunshine damage your paint, and not only will hail storms dent your hood, but extreme temperatures will cause oxidation to happen, and oxidation can damage wood, leather, and metal surfaces.  In addition, oxidation can damage computer components and tech gadgets.  In other words, oxidation can literally ravage a modern automobile.  Having indoor car storage is a must to avoid damage caused by Mother Nature, and having climate controlled car storage is highly recommended.  Yes, it costs more, but the cost is nothing compared to the cost of a new paint job or the replacement of your car’s computer system.

In other words, pay now or pay much more later!

What are your options for indoor car storage?

The low end of the storage spectrum is to rent a storage unit at some self storage facility.  There you will find a suitable storage unit, for your vehicle, for roughly $150 per month, give or take, depending on the facility and other factors.

The high end of the storage spectrum is to rent storage space in an actually car storage facility.  There you will find maximum security and total protection from the climate.  Prices usually range from $250-$350 per month.

Questions?  You can call us with them. We are Fort Worth Car Storage, serving the Greater Fort Worth area. We are locally owned and operated by car enthusiasts and car lovers. We know how to take care of your vehicle because we know what it takes to take care of our vehicles.

Texans help Texans!  Locally owned and operated. Give us a call today and let’s talk about secure indoor car storage for you.